
The main new feature for V1.0.4 is a new option to send raw audio and select the audio input device. For now Native(Win, Mac, iOS, Android) uses a different system than WebGL but this will be merged in the future.

Please help testing the new system via the scenes extra/AudioInput for Native platforms and extra/AudioWeb for WebGL.


  • WebGL: Added new extra/AudioWeb example to show selection of audio input devices (will be merged with AudioInput scene later)
  • Native: AudioInput C# calls added to allow sending of raw audio
  • Native: extra/AudioInput example added. This demonstrates sending audio from an AudioSource or using Unity Microphone for audio input device selection
  • Native: Added wrapper methods to control hardware audio effects
  • Native: Turned off hardware audio effects by default. Echo cancellation will be handed via software now
  • Native: AudioInput now supports multiple parallel audio input devices
  • Windows: AudioOptions.echo_cancellation=true should work correctly now even if no incoming audio is received
  • Fixed issues that could cause the video codec to automatically fallback to VP8
  • Added readme files and a header to example apps
  • Windows: Added workaround for playback issues via the Experimental audio layer if Dolby surround is used. For microphone access issues AudioInput can be used as a workaround.
  • Signaling Server: Added support for tokens to allow only registered users to access the server
  • Signaling Server: Removed the packaged zip file. Use https://github.com/because-why-not/awrtc_signaling instead.