WebRtc Video Chat:
- Updated and Tested with unity 2021 and 2022 LTS. The Unity C# projects will now require the newer Unity versions but the C# API continues to work with Unity 2020
- MediaConfig.VideoBitrateKbits added to allow setting a target birate (appears to default to 2500 kbits which is too low for HD and higher)
- MediaConfig.VideoContentHint added. This can be set to motion, detail or text to optimize the video stream for specific content
- MAINTAIN_RESOLUTION flag is removed. Set VideoContentHint to detail instead
- MediaConfig.VideoCodecs added. This allows to set a list of codecs to priotize (VP8, VP9, AV1 are usually supported. H264 on iOS and some browsers)
- RequestStats and RtcStatsEvent added to BrowserWebRtcCall (webgl) and NativeWebRtcCall(all other except UWP). This can be used to check on the current bitrate, used codecs and more
- Native: NativeMediaConfig.FrameBuffer = true is now the default to help with fluent video playback at low render FPS
- The VideoInput example scene now shows an animated panorama image to allow testing with different birate requrements
- WebGL: Calling Unity_Media_EnableScreenCapture(“screen”, true) allows capturing the screen with system audio if supported by the browser.
Holo Video Chat:
- Fixed several issues within the wrapper that could cause stalls (deadlock in the SDK) and crashes (leaking of the video tracks that resulted in the camera to remain active)
- fixed crash causing issue when deactivating EyeTracking. This resulted in the system to restart accessing the camera directly while the VideoTransformer might still access the camera
- camera access is now delayed by 2 seconds or so
- Made the log more chatty to hopefully better be able to reproduce any crashes
- Added different VideoQuality structs to make changing it easier